Sunday Jun 09, 2019
Finally (S11E14)
Sunday Jun 09, 2019
Sunday Jun 09, 2019
Here we are at the end of another season. Join Hersula, Conde Nasty, That Gurl, and guest Jessica Feltcher as we break down the final episode, take a look back at Season 11, and most importantly, read the fuck out of the straight girls who acted a fool at the bar during the finale.
Wednesday May 29, 2019
All My Family Reunions Devolve into Fights About Wigs Too... (S11E13)
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
A fairly tepid reunion, all things considered. We learn that Wiggate is still boring and everyone secretly hated Scarlet the whole time. Sure. But this episode does provide a platform for some very important work for Conde Nasty, Hersula and That Gurl: saying nice things about Vanessa Vanjie Mateo and Nina West.
Remember to rate and review us on iTunes and Stitcher. Follow us on Instagram @readingdragracepodcast and follow That Gurl to get all her readings @thatgurldownthestreet.
Friday May 24, 2019
Better Late Than Never (S11E12)
Friday May 24, 2019
Friday May 24, 2019
A combination of illness and work and life conspired to keep us from getting this episode together, but honestly, aren't YOU to blame for expecting drag queens to be on time? The flyer said 11pm, which means we aren't going on before 2am. If you're lucky.
Anyway, we are joined by long time friend, first time guest, Val Kyrie to discuss the final episode before the finals. She is an absolute delight as we break down the season's dance challenge. There may be Queens Everywhere, but sadly there is not good judging anywhere.
We'll be back in a few days with our thoughts on the reunion. Byeeeee!
Sunday May 12, 2019
Cysters Are Doing It for Themselves (S11E11)
Sunday May 12, 2019
Sunday May 12, 2019
Hersula and Conde Nasty finally managed to be in the same room at the same time! Sadly, their reunion is marred by one of the greatest injustices in Drag Race herstory! The queens give each other makesovers this week, but no amount of liquid concealer can hide our tears, especially when it comes time for That Gurl to give this week's reading.
Remember to rate and review us on iTunes and Stitcher. Follow us on Instagram @readingdragracepodcast and follow That Gurl to get all her readings @thatgurldownthestreet.
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Is That a Magic Wand or Are You Just Happy to See Me? (S11E10)
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Hersula is out this week attending the Met Gala (that's a lie, but she's needs this, so we're letting her have it), so Conde and That Gurl have invited their friend Patti Gayonnaise to discuss and dissect this magical episode of Drag Race. Delight as we get the Pit Crew Challenge we've been waiting for! Be amazed at what we all pretty much agreed was one of the best team challenges in Drag Race herstory! And for their final trick, the producers will make a queen...disappear!
Remember to rate and review us on iTunes and Stitcher. Follow us on Instagram @readingdragracepodcast and follow That Gurl to get all her readings @thatgurldownthestreet.
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
You Have the Right to Remain Sickening (S11E09)
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
After the last couple of weeks of epic fights and legendary lip syncs, we are treated to a fairly workhorse episode, noteworthy only for its fucking atrocious trip to the library* and A'keria finally getting the respect to which she is entitled. Conde is away this week, so it's left to Hersula and Special Guest Oblivia to navigate this episode armed only with their bourbon and their wits. And, as always, That Gurl joins us to read the newly and dearly departed queen.
Remember to rate and review us on iTunes and Stitcher. Follow us on Instagram @readingdragracepodcast and follow That Gurl to get all her readings @thatgurldownthestreet.
*Seriously, though. I've seen more scalding humor on a CBS sitcom. From the 90s.
Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
The Snatchword is... [BLANK] (S11E08)
Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
Sorry for the late post, squirrelfirends. Gremlins got into our computers and destroyed our first take of this week's show! But like the true professionals we are, we tightened our tucks and donned our armored breast plates and spent another hour and a half dissecting everyone's favorite challenge: SNATCH GAME!!!
Remember to rate and review us on iTunes and Stitcher. Follow us on Instagram @readingdragrace and follow That Gurl to get all her readings @thatgurldownthestreet.
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
E-I-E-I-HO (S11E7)
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Conde is out of town this week, so it means Hersula and That Gurl are running the asylum alone, and while the kitty gurl is away, the mice will slay, hunty. Fortunately, their first solo assignment comes when there are finally less than 10 queens to lovingly shade in detail. Join us for the gaggery, the goopery, and as always, a reading for the dearly departed queen.
Remember to rate and review us on iTunes and Stitcher. Follow us on Instagram @readingdragrace and follow That Gurl to get all her readings @thatgurldownthestreet.
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Athletic Supporters (S11E6)
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
It's the games of the 11th Drag Olympiad! (See how fancy we are? Using words like Olympiad. See?) The girls challenge themselves in creating two dance routines honoring the history of Drag Race, and we here at RDR challenged ourselves to be awake to before noon to record this week's episode. For everyone concerned, there were highs, there were lows, and there was a lot of body paint.
Remember to rate and review us on iTunes and Stitcher. Follow us on Instagram @readingdragrace and follow That Gurl to get all her readings @thatgurldownthestreet.
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Putting the Ho in Hocus Pocus (S11E05)
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Join Conde, Hersula, and their best squirellfriend Oblivia as they trudge through thirty-three whole looks, some which even actually correspond to the challenge. Amaze at Elviria, the only person on Earth more cinched than Miss Vanjie. And later, a reading by That-Gurl for the dearly and newly departed queen [SPOILER].